TeeBillz is a year older today

Tee Billz

Artiste manager, TeeBillz is a year older today!

Tunji TeeBillz Balogunplay
Tunji TeeBillz Balogun

Estranged husband of Tiwa Savage and 323 entertainment record label boss, Tunji Balogun aka TeeBillz is a year older today!
TeeBillz went quiet on the entertainment scene after his epic meltdown back in April where he accused Tiwa of witchcraft and emotional abuse.
Teebillz and Tiwa Savageplay
Teebillz and Tiwa Savage
 (Daily Gossip)

Tiwa and Teebillz got married in 2012 and Tunji is known to have a son and daughter from a prior marriage.
The estranged couple welcomed a baby boy, Jamil on July 22, 2015, in the UK.
Happy birthday TeeBillz.

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