Music video of Jay Jay Okocha surfaces

Jay Jay Okocha in his 1994 music video

You never know what the Internet will dig up.

You can never guess which gem will be unearthed and posted on Twitter or uploaded to YouTube. The Internet is an enchanting maze of rarities and oddities that have a way of sucking you away from reality and making you lose precious man hours.

Jay Jay Okocha looked so out of place in his music video play
Jay Jay Okocha looked so out of place in his music video 
(YouTube )

The latest discovery by the Internet is so good that you won't be mad at the time you spent watching it over and over again.
Today, Sunday, October 9, 2016, a video of former Nigerian football star Austin 'Jay Jay' Okocha was dug up. This is not a video of the flashy midfielder pulling off his dizzy skills in Turkey or France, countries which he once plied his trade.

No, this video is actually a music video of Austin 'Jay Jay' Okocha. Yes, you have to believe this. The video which has lost most of its colour because it has aged over the years sees Jay Jay rapping (well we think it is rapping) and showing off some of his football skills.
Jay Jay Okocha's rap skills are not like his football skills. He raps over a disco beat (similar to what Dr. Alban did on his smash single 'It's my life' released in Sweden in 1992.) We guess this was the rave in Europe back then.

Jay Jay's voice is barely audible and when you strain your ears to hear what he is saying, you can't stop laughing. All this would have been a joke but apparently, it was a big deal. The song oddly titled 'I I Am Am Jay Jay' was released under EMI, one of the biggest record labels in the world.
You have just got to love the Internet. Whoever dug this up has done a huge service to Nigerian pop culture. This video further gives proof that Nigerian footballers just like Nollywood stars should stay far away from music.

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